Maximizing your Emotional Intelligence

Organizational change and development is on a spree right now, around the world. While companies and firms are adapting to a newer lifestyle, it has certainly taken an emotional toll on a plethora of employees. It is indeed difficult to be pliable and adaptable in an environment which has taught you to act like a horse with its reins, walking the path it is ushered to. However, now the time has come where strategies are changing and most operations are turning digital. Organizational change is crucial, yes. But your emotional intelligence is equally significant right now. You need to maximize your productivity and stay sane. It might be a thin line to walk for some.

One of the most important factors you need to maximize your productivity is passion. You must be passionate about what you do since you spend a significant part of your life doing that. In the mere 24 hours of a day, you sleep for around 7, and you brush, take a dump and a shower for an hour. Another hour goes for lunch, dinner and a cup of coffee. You’re left with 15 where you work for 9-10 hours! If you do not love what you do, you get to live your life for five hours every day and honestly, it is unfair. You’re then wasting over half of your life! Which is why you MUST love what you do. So you get to live your life for 15 hours every day, doing what you love. Being passionate is a critical factor in maximizing your productivity.

Your comfort zone is yet another factor which acts as a hindrance for your maximizing mindset. A will to step out of your comfort zone and walk into the unknown, taking a leap of faith, is a step towards your maximized performance. As Charles Bukowski famously wrote, ‘If you are going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start.’ Believe it or not, each of us here is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die. But while we are here, while we exist as a moment in this eternity, we have to take a stand and make a change. Make the moment count. Put your 100% in the work you do. Maximize.

Charismatic leaders who have a knack for inspirational leadership do not succeed simply because they are better than the rest. They need not even necessarily be better than the rest. The ones who create a change maximize themselves and bring out the best in their subordinates and colleagues. Such leaders are resilient to the world. They fall down seven times, get back up eight. They have a certain amount of perseverance which sets them apart. As long as you are calm, passionate, stubborn and resilient, the only thing that could stand in your way of success is your own excuse. As our CEO, Solomon Salvis, frequently tells us, find out the cause for an effect and change it. As you change the cause, the effect will consequently change.

Shreyas Mogal

Professionally, Shreyas Mogal is a 21-year old Instrumentation Engineer based in Mumbai, but he has a certain knack for literary skills. Currently, he is the Marketing Manager for SimuRise Learning. He writes poems, blogs, short stories, flash fictions, technical articles, marketing content and web content. In 2018, his first work was published under Kindle Direct Publishing. ‘The F-Word’, a short fiction novella revolved around bullying and oppression, mental health, homosexuality, and art. In the following year, Shreyas co-authored a non-fiction named ‘A Book A Week’ with Rupak Shah, co-founder of Learnaur. Shreyas has also edited a biographic non-fiction, a poetry book and a handful of technical articles. He co-founded Sonje Media, a digital marketing start-up and is the Chief Operating Officer. He has been a part of the editorial team in his college for three years. He began as an editor and worked his way up to be the Editor-in-Chief for the student section of International Society of Automation.

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