Boost Your Productivity

Download the FREE ebook

As an L&D or HR professional, you can make immense changes to your organization to boost the productivity with little efforts. The guide that I have crafted here discusses ideas to do so. More productivity, less activity.

Play a Bigger Game of Life!

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    Experience these Business Simulations
    as workshops with your teams

    Our corporate strategy games like The Search for The Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine, Square Wheels and FreshBiz are renowned tools that encourage key behaviors for high potential development. These simulations focus on a wide array of topics and objectives like teamwork and collaboration, creative thinking, conflict resolution, identifying & creating opportunities, proactive leadership, resource optimization, self-expression and much more.


    Changing the way you play business & life

    The Search for The Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine

    High-impact simulation for turning competitive teams into collaborative teams
    Square wheels organizational alignment tool

    Square Wheels

    Fresh business perspectives depicted in a series of illustrations that make you think and act!