Learning creativity & entrepreneurial thinking – Freshbiz

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to participate in the Freshbiz business simulation workshop learning creativity & entrepreneurial thinking conducted by Solomon Salvis at the Simurise office in Mumbai.

Freshbiz is a game-based simulation that teaches you how to play the game of business and life. I was excited to see for myself how this would pan out and what I could learn from this half-day experience.

Solomon started the session with a briefing for the participants – he shared examples of the way we currently think, i.e. with a fixed mindset, limited to working within our narrow boundaries and possibilities. None of us expected the depth of learning that was about to come our way as the simulation came into play (pun intended).

We began the game by forming groups around the world-class game boards. Each one of us set our business goals and defined the stipulated period of time we would complete our journey. With the resources available, we made choices for starting businesses, trading stocks, and even playing the casino – all of these in a very dynamic economic environment.  As each player rolled the die, there were opportunities to make millions or lose them. As the market conditions changed often, it was up to us to maneuver through the challenges and leverage the opportunities wisely.

As the game progressed, I realized that we played the Freshbiz simulation exactly how we played the game of business and life. All our real behaviours, attitudes and mindsets came alive here – being reactive rather than proactive, feeling stuck within the rules we placed on ourselves, focusing on our limitations rather than opportunities, working in silos towards our own self-interests, not wanting to take risks, and winning at the cost of another person’s loss.

While some members were not able to meet their business goals, others played their cards well and their teams won in good time. With emotions high on both sides, we replayed the game in our minds and listened closely to Solomon’s powerful debrief. Here are some of the key take-aways:

  1. We were given time to strategize. Why didn’t we plan wisely?
  2. There were many more resources available that we could have leveraged. Why didn’t we think creatively?
  3. We had very limited ideas about how to grow our business. Why didn’t we ask for support or advice?
  4. It took only a minute or two to offer guidance to another. Why didn’t we offer help?
  5. We could have all achieved our goals and won the game if we worked together. Why didn’t we work on a Win-Win situation and collaborate?

Now that we realize we’ve been stuck in our old and set ways of thinking and the old way is not working anymore, why don’t we adapt and bring healthy and new perspectives – a fresh way of dealing with life and managing business?

Freshbiz can help develop the following Leadership, Business & Management skills across various industries and roles:

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset – Managers in organizations are entrepreneurs handling their business units. They need to grow their business by thinking strategically, communicating smoothly and managing their resources effectively. The simulation gives individuals ample chances to strategize, create a vision, establish goals, consider various opportunities, face the challenges head-on and persevere to meet their goals.
  • Collaboration – When teams work in silos, they place greater emphasis on their own KPI’s rather than working cross-functionally to meet the organization’s business goals. In the Freshbiz environment, just like in today’s environment, collaboration is not a ‘good to have’ but a ‘need to have’. Without collaboration, you cannot emerge a winner in the game of life.
  • Creativity & Innovation – What was good enough yesterday may not be enough today. Organizations are expected to change and improve their product offerings, systems and processes, services or solutions to continue to remain relevant and create value. In the game, the first thing the participants think is: “How can I grow my business with the limited resources I have?” Soon enough they discover that if they think creatively, they will generate many ideas to make money, avoid losses and meet their goals.
  • Being Proactive – Being proactive means taking charge and making things happen instead of waiting for them to happen. Proactive behavior distinguishes individuals from the pack and organizations from the rest of the marketplace. This critical skill is seen in some members in the simulation when they are able to create opportunities where others find only obstacles and survive and thrive in tough situations and cut-throat competition.

I recommend the Freshbiz business simulation experience for learning creativity & entrepreneurial thinking to transform teams, their mindsets, and the work culture to one of entrepreneurial/intra-preneurial thinking – fostering the highest levels of creativity, collaboration and energy to take on the new, dynamic and fast-paced business environment and achieve the most ambitious business goals today.

Sharmila Thadani

Sharmila is a Learning & Development senior specialist. She has over 17 years of corporate work experience and expertise, including ability to deliver superior training, create a variety of value-added training programs and curriculum, develop necessary training interventions and make real-time decisions.

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