Decision Making Skills

Decision Making, needless to say, is one of the most crucial skills an organization needs to develop. However, it is not simply pertinent to deciding which route to take. It includes an analysis which concerns the best interests of the senior and junior management, the employees and the stakeholders. It must take into consideration a visionary deduction and prediction of the industry.

The study of psychology also includes the significance of decision making. It concerns with comprehending decisions on an individual level with regards to necessity, priorities and the values a particular individual seeks. The cognitive side of it refers to decision making as a continuous process integrated with environmental interaction. Furthermore, it also has a normative face. It concerns itself with fathoming the logical reasoning behind decision making followed by the invariant choice it leads to.

Indeed, this is all theoretical. Practically, decision making is easier said than done. Unless you discipline yourself into prioritizing and analyzing situations before jumping to conclusions, you will face a plethora of challenges with your ability to make decisions. Do you find yourself to be habitually indecisive? Do you often dwell about the road not taken? Well, don’t! Read how to be firm and smart at decision making.

  1. Prioritize!
    Draw up a list of factors to be affected by your decision. Deduce the impact each one would make on your operations over a longer-term and prioritize the factors in accordance with their importance. Then, you will gain a better understanding of the road you must focus on.
  2. Set Clear Goals!
    Have your short-term goals and the long-term target clear in your mind. Study about the path to accomplish them and check which decisions take you closer to them.
  3. Being Optimistic and Stern!
    After you come to a conclusion and make your decision, stick to it! Be stern and have faith in yourself. Remember, you can only join the dots looking backwards. Right now, you have to make your choice and have faith that the dots would join in the future. Be unwavering at it and stand by your decision.

Another important key is to trust your gut. Quite often, you will stumble upon an intuition within yourself over a situation. Believe in yourself and work on it. As it is frequently said, if you cannot make the right decision, make a decision and then, make it right!

Shreyas Mogal

Professionally, Shreyas Mogal is a 21-year old Instrumentation Engineer based in Mumbai, but he has a certain knack for literary skills. Currently, he is the Marketing Manager for SimuRise Learning. He writes poems, blogs, short stories, flash fictions, technical articles, marketing content and web content. In 2018, his first work was published under Kindle Direct Publishing. ‘The F-Word’, a short fiction novella revolved around bullying and oppression, mental health, homosexuality, and art. In the following year, Shreyas co-authored a non-fiction named ‘A Book A Week’ with Rupak Shah, co-founder of Learnaur. Shreyas has also edited a biographic non-fiction, a poetry book and a handful of technical articles. He co-founded Sonje Media, a digital marketing start-up and is the Chief Operating Officer. He has been a part of the editorial team in his college for three years. He began as an editor and worked his way up to be the Editor-in-Chief for the student section of International Society of Automation.

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