SimuRise brings engaging, inspiring, & immersive simulated learning experiences.

As a leading Leadership and Talent Development organization, SimuRise brings experiences to develop the values, behaviors, and mindsets of corporate leaders and managers.

Participants are encouraged to reflect on these experiences, leading to the aha moments to make a desired change in their mindsets.

Vision & Mission

Our Vision

To accelerate the world’s transition from traditional classroom training into engaging, inspiring, and immersive simulated learning experiences.

Our Mission

To develop values, behaviours and mindsets in leaders and managers empowering them to transform the organisation’s dreams into reality

Our Values

These are guiding statements that speak to who we are, what we stand for, and where we’re going.


Doing everything possible to get the best possible outcome


Being a role model and leading by example


Working together as a team

Excellence-driven and Energy

Doing the best we can with effective results

We’re a Leadership & Talent Development Organization for Leaders and Managers

SimuRise focuses on developing organization culture and future readiness through the power of behavioral simulations & experiential learning!

About CEO

Solomon Salvis is a high-energy, high-impact, and seasoned Leadership and Talent Development Specialist.
With two decades of experience transforming values, behaviors, and mindsets through his unique Business Simulations and Game-based Learning methodology, Solomon is a highly sought-after Leadership Facilitator by leading organizations across various sectors.
His high energy comes from his strict health and fitness regime. Over the past decade, he has completed 5 full marathons, 23 half marathons, several 100/150 km BRM rides, and was among the top 5 winners for performing 300 Surya Namaskars in a row! He has successfully completed Ironman 70.3 six times.

Fearless thinkers

We believe that people are a company’s most valuable asset. Our team is comprised of passionate, highly motivated, curious, big-hearted, and creative individuals who will provide you with the unrivaled focus and attention to detail needed to set your organization up for success.